This episode is a sneak peak into our weekly live sessions at Al-Andalus Academy's Halaqa series where we're currently engaging in the study of Sidi ibn 'Atā-illah's Kitab at-Tanwīr (The Book of Illumination). In this session, wel delve into three reasons that should compel us to dropping the measure alongside Allah ﷻ. These revolve around the understanding that our attachment to the measure is borne out of an illusion that not only do we have control over our outcomes for ourselves, but also that we know best what's good for ourselves. This notion is what Sidi ibn 'Atā-illah seeks to unveil for us so can confront the ways in which we delude ourselves and in turn distance ourselves from Allah.
An interesting open discussion followed the section covered in this session where the teachings for Sidi ibn 'Atā-illah were put into real life scenarios, showing how application of these principels can transform one's journey through this world and draw them nearer to Allah ﷻ.
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