455: Discover Event-Driven Platform Technology, with BlackBerry Radar

Mar 12 2025 24 mins  

Shannon Hamilton of BlackBerry Radar talks about the digital trends shaping 2025; tech challenges; event-driven data; and the importance of scalable solutions.


[04.24] An introduction to Shannon and BlackBerry Radar.

“We truly believe that doing more with our partners is a value-add for our customers.”

[05.50] From AI and blockchain to IoT, the big digital trends that are going to shape 2025.

“Some of the trends are really about: How are we using the information, how are we connecting with partners – and how are we making it smart.”

[07.23] The biggest challenges Shannon sees across the industry when it comes to technology.

“How do you buy technology that meets your needs today, but is also scalable as your business grows and evolves?”

[08.43] The business-level challenges standing in the way of successful tech implementations and digital transformations.

[11.00] Why technology is a foundation for process optimization, the importance of focusing on integrating the right tech into our businesses, and why it’s OK to try out multiple technologies.

“Piloting and testing tech is very important – there’s still a time and a place to try out some of the new things we’re seeing.”

[13.02] The benefits of combining technology implementation with physical assets, and how it can drive business improvement.

[16.04] BlackBerry’s Radar Asset Tracking Solution, how it works, and how it’s delivering more data for customers.

“We’re seeing more and more customers get excited about the data – but they want more.”

[18.57] How BlackBerry Radar pulls data together into one pane of glass, and the benefits for their customers.

“We want our data to be intelligent. The last thing we want our customers to do is sift through lots of data. So we easily surface all the critical events… we make life easy.”

[20.33] Why, in a climate of cost-cutting, disruption, and failing digital transformation projects, scalable technology solutions are key.

[22.32] A case study showing how BlackBerry Radar helped a customer improve turn times and move assets through their lanes faster, ultimately driving operational efficiency, reducing cost, and improving revenue.

[25.11] What 2025 has in store for BlackBerry Radar.


Head over to BlackBerry Radar’s website now to find out more and discover how they could help you too. You can also connect with BlackBerry Radar and keep up to date with the latest over on LinkedIn, or you can connect with Shannon on LinkedIn.

If you enjoyed this episode and want to hear more from BlackBerry Radar, check out 358: Harness The Power Of Asset Tracking Engineered for Intelligence, with BlackBerry Radar, 322: Innovative Asset Tracking Made Easy, with BlackBerry Radar or read Shannon Hamilton on Authenticity and Bringing Diversity to Transportation & Logistics.