Jan 05 2025 18 mins 5
Are you ready for a secret mission? Join Anna and Leo as they follow a daring spy on her next assignment. During World War II, a secret agent named Nancy Wake risked her life to fight against Nazi Germany. A skilled spy, Nancy slipped past her enemies and escaped capture every time. That’s how she got the nickname the “White Mouse.”
Get your parachutes ready, young historians! We’re about to jump into our next adventure.
About Honest History
Honest History creates award-winning books, magazines, and this show for young historians across the world. Our mission is to inspire kids to create a positive impact on history themselves. Learn more at honesthistory.co and @honesthistory.
This episode was narrated by Nikki Bon and JoAnn Schinderle, written by Heidi Coburn, and produced by Robot Pirate Media. Original theme music was written and recorded by Michael Dayvid.
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