Sep 28 2024 80 mins 1
We have a seriously special guest to kick off season 2... David Irvine!
David has more than 40 years experience as a family therapist, workshop facilitator, lecturer and advisor. Raised in rural central Alberta, David is no stranger to farming and the people that go with it. His work with Holisitic Management has helped and inspired farming families across North America.
We don't think that there is one person in farming that won't relate to something that David says in this podcast. From digging out the root cause of family unrest, letting go of blame and dealing with those who's identity is 'the farm' We hope you enjoy - we certainly did.
David will be speaking at the MFGA annual regenerative agriculture conference in Brandon, Manitoba on Nov 12 - 13, 2024. If you're at that side of the water - don't miss out on that!
Thanks, as always, to our sponsors
Manitoba Forage and Grassland association
Covers & Co