Welcome to the Porter & Co. Black Label Podcast – a provocative, no-holds-barred space where Porter and Aaron talk about markets, politics, and life with a series of very special guests.
In this episode, with Porter not feeling well, we listen in as Aaron has a thought-provoking one-on-one conversation with Tom Dyson, the Investment Director at Bonner Private Research.
Show highlights include:
- Tom’s travel philosophy for his family…
- Tom’s pandemic experiences…
- Observations on Javier Milei and the economics of Argentina..
- Why newsletters like Porter’s exist…
- How Tom found the newsletter business…
- Why both Aaron and Tom admire Bill Bonner’s work…
- What not to do with your life savings…
- The asset both Aaron and Tom are holding…
- Debating this central bank theory…
- And much more…
To learn more about Tom’s work, go to https://www.bonnerprivateresearch.com/
Click here to listen to the full podcast now. And grab your free reports at https://porterspodcast.com.
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To your success,
Porter & Co.