Jan 21 2025 12 mins
In this episode, Megan shares 4 ways to encourage Prelinguistic Skills development. These activities can be easily implemented into any early intervention speech and language activities or daily routines; including language activities for infants!
What are Prelinguistic Skills?
How to monitor progress and track development.
Even better, these activities also target multiple areas of communication and language development.
Imitate the child’s movements: a child’s ability to imitate the action, sound, or words of another is very important.
Show them how to point: early gestures are another important prelinguistic skill. Pointing is one of the first gestures to emerge.
Model vocalizations and sounds: encourage little ones to use play sounds and environmental sounds during play activities and daily routines.
Encourage turn-taking: respond to and encourage a child’s vocalizations and attempts at verbal speech.
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