We talk about several news stories this last week. We start by discussing the debates and then move on to talking about Ginni Thomas and the recent story in ProPublica enlisting help opposing SCOTUS reform.
Judge Sets Deadlines in Trump Election Case, Saying Campaign Is 'Not Relevant'
Ginni Thomas Email Praised Group Opposing SCOTUS Reform — ProPublica
Justice Amy Coney Barrett describes coming home with bulletproof vest
Steve Vladek's comments on the interaction between all three branches of government, "Bonus 98: The "Least Dangerous" Branch—Court Reform and Federalist 78," can be found at: https://www.stevevladeck.com/ p/bonus-98-the-least- dangerous-branchcourt?utm_ campaign=email-post&r=lv15c& utm_source=substack&utm_ medium=email