Jan 30 2024 53 mins 5
Want to know how to keep yourself safe in one of the coldest places on the planet?
In this episode, I get into how to dress correctly for different types of cold weather, a story about the first time I experienced hypothermia, what kind of first aid skills you need for dealing with frostbite and hypothermia, and what a general set of good daily habits are for living in a cold climate.
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Note: I reside in SouthCentral Alaska, which does not see as deep cold as places such as Interior Alaska which include Fairbanks, North Pole, and Northern Alaska above the Arctic Circle which is above all the coldest part of the state. My advice regarding health and safety in this episode is NOT a substitute for seeking medical care if you need it, never hesitate to call emergency services if you or a loved one are experiencing symptoms of hypothermia and/or frostbite. I am not a medical professional, my tips given in this episode are for educational purposes only.
Cold weather gear companies mentioned in this program:
Show theme:
"Traveller" - The 126ers
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