Feb 28 2025 140 mins 1
Every planet in the known universe is in danger! The Monitor has gathered the best and brightest of all worlds to see if they can devise a plan to avoid annihilation. There is a wave of antimatter heading this way and it’s destroying everything in its path. Superman cannot punch it down. It cannot be defeated by sheer force. It will come to Barry Allen, the fastest man alive, to save the multiverse. It is believed that the speed force harnessed by the cosmic treadmill may be enough to disrupt the antimatter wave and halt its path of devastation. Join the Silver Vox and Green Butterfly as we discuss one of the stories that changed the DC Universe forever. Let’s talk about Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths, Part 1.
Cougar's Comic Corner: Crisis on Infinite Earths: Paragons Rising
Introducing the Dive into DC Podcast Dance Segment! In between the news and the episode topic we'll be taking a dance break! If you have a favorite theme/song you'd like to dance along with us send us your song at [email protected]!
We ADORE Feedback! If you want to get into Crisis mode with us or talk about anything else DC-wise send it to us in written form or voice-recorded and you'll be included on the show! We're at [email protected].
Next time on Dive into DC Podcast: Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths, Part 2. Get us your feedback by March 13 to be included in the podcast!