As Within So Without ~Epi-071

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Feb 19 2024 34 mins   1

As within so without.

If we want to see changes in our external world (i.e. regenerating landscapes and ecosystems), we have to first address our internal state.

The older I get and the more I learn, the less I can say I know for sure.

This, though, is one of those things that I've arrived at as being one of those "indivisible kernels of truth" - something solid and constant upon which I can build a foundation for regeneration.

The external state of our landscapes is a direct reflection of our own internal states.

This has always been true in every consultancy I have ever done.

This is why I always have my design clients beging the process by creating a Minimum Holistic Goal. To start designing without first calming and clarifying your own internal landscape is basically the same as giving a bunch of apes spaghetti to throw at the wall and then seeing what sticks and saying "Look, design!".

We can do better than that.

We have to do better than that if our goal is to regenerate the ecosystems upon which we depend for our sustenance and quality of life.

Every landscape ultimately becomes a mirror of one's internal state.




On-Site Consultation

Online Site/Project Consultation

Holistic Ecosystem Design


Water Harvesting Earthworks

High-function, Low-Maintenance Access

Living Systems

Spring Development


Minimum Holistic Goal

Building Your Sovereign Homestead


The Sovereign Homestead Podcast

