Nov 25 2024 13 mins
As an expert in your industry, have you ever given more than you felt comfortable? This happens more than you’d think, and it’s easy to blur the lines between generosity and trampled boundaries. If you’ve ever felt between wanting to help someone and also protecting what you’ve built, this episode is for you.
Lately, I’ve noticed something. As someone who has spent years and thousands of dollars building my expertise, I’ve been fielding more requests about my resources. People are asking for things I’ve spent countless hours refining, and the unspoken assumption behind it feels off.
A few years ago, I invested in a high-level coaching program. I got so much more than just information out of it—I gained confidence and a new framework for the way I think. It also helped me boss up my boundaries, see my surroundings as an ecosystem, and more. But these things came from grit, showing up, and taking risks. The journey deserves to be appreciated.
When someone expects your expertise without considering the work it took to gain it, it can feel like you’re being taken advantage of. We, as professionals, need to value the person we’re asking for help and acknowledge their journey (as opposed to seeking them for a quick answer).
Boundaries aren’t about withholding, it’s about honoring. So, consider this if you’re going to an expert for information. Make it clear that you respect what it took for them to get where they are. It makes for a more meaningful interaction and can also help you pave your own path.