When it comes to talking about James Bond, nobody does it better than Bonding Together! Unless of course, you're talking about in terms of knowledge, or popularity. Yes this week we cover the wonderful Roger Moore film The Spy Who Loved Me, and tackle topics like Xenia Onatopp double takes, Remembering when the Witchking of Angmar drove over Gandalf with a Honda, and of course, doing the Sweet Egyptian Boogie!
Then our resident Q Connor unveils his latest invention, and as always, we end by giving our own synopsis for a new, made up Bond film. Connor describes his Bond movie and musical choice, then Jeremy releases a trailer of his film, whose synopsis was created by slapping together numerous randomized names and plot points.
Bonding Together will return in...The World is not Enough!
We love the Bond franchise, but are in no way experts! If we make a mistake, or you just want to reach out to us, Send us your feedback by either writing us at
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Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/bonding-together-a-father-son-james-bond-podcast/id1643680537
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2tqXwNNvXMvQa445yU2YtR?si=e2zlKyW9S2C9a6i_JyF4Ww
Website: https://sites.libsyn.com/429087