Clifton Pho - A world class powerlifter and chiropractor's story of recovery

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Apr 26 2024 35 mins   21 2 0

Clifton is a Canadian Power Lifter and Chiropractor. I worked with a Clifton a few years ago to help him with his concussion symptoms, low back and hip pain. Working with health care professionals is often interesting. You will feel the pressure to "fix them" but when you get to listening to them you often realize that they have the answers and the knowledge. They just need help and sometimes coaching. I think (IIRC) I was once told that I can't comment on low back pain and lifting until I "fix" elite level powerlifters. Besides this being an absolutely silly and anti-science statement I guess by this standard I can never talk about low back pain again. Because it's true. I don't "fix" anyone. No one does. We work with people where they are and problem solve solutions together. Working with people is often about coaching, reassurance and being there for that person.

Clifton shares his experience with pain, his recovery, how he helps his own patients and his fundamentals of rehab.