Aug 30 2023 26 mins
Attending a high school honor society induction ceremony for my niece, I was witness to how a group of students organized and executed a process. Something they had experienced themselves and which they took ownership for the next generation of students. There was nothing remarkable about the ceremony, but I think it gives us a window into process.
Dr. W. Edwards Deming said "If you can't describe what you're doing as a process, you don't know what you're doing." (For more information about Dr. Deming: Dr. W. Edwards Deming) Seeing the world through the lens of process is a superpower for making things better.
In this episode, we discuss what a process is, some types of outputs and inputs, and how I would have coached the organizers.
I make reference to aviation safety so here are a couple of relevant links:
How Flying Is Safer Today Than Any Time In The Past
You can contact the host Keith Fong through the website Way of the Quality Warrior