Oct 22 2023 22 mins 11
The world is going crazy while, on Infinity, Patrick tells the explosive story of the huge, wind-powered Herculous Bird.
As you all know this is a children's story podcast with a twibble because, after you've enjoyed the audio adventure (9 minutes), Steve Punt, Elaine and Matthew Sweetapple will be explaining more about the science and secrets behind the story. In this episode, we'll be talking a lot about wind, especially in relation to cows, about how biomimicry is helping sewage farms, recently discovered huge creatures and... well, more wind. (Sorry!)
To find out lots more about our stories (and about Kenny the Cat) join us on Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/rockfordsrockopera/
For lots of FREE materials, songs, educational resources, and links, visit the Rockford's Rock Opera Hub here: linktr.ee/RockfordsRockOpera
About 'Lost on Infinity'
This unique kids' podcast features our award-winning story, 'Lost on Infinity', which is available as a children's audiobook on Apple Music, Spotify and Amazon Music. The Times described it as “Amazing”.
To find out more about us and our stories visit: www.RockfordsRockOpera.com
The Rockford's Rock Opera songs featured in this episode are:
1. I am The Registrar (Reprise)
2. Wind Power!
You can hear full versions of these on Apple Music, Spotify, and on our website too.
If you've any questions about our story or any of the science and secrets we talk about, please email us at: [email protected] (if you’d like us to include your questions in an upcoming episode of the podcast then please do ask your parents to give their permission in the email).
Thanks for listening!