Oct 15 2023 31 mins 10
On Infinity, there's concern about the Island's latest arrival, and the creatures tell their stories.
As you all know this is children's story podcast with a difference because, after you've enjoyed the audio adventure (10 minutes), Steve Punt, Elaine and Matthew Sweetapple will be explaining more about the science and secrets behind the story. We'll be talking about passenger pigeons and how they were once the world's most common bird, about heroic African Giant Pouched Rats and meeting Aaron, Tyler, and Cameron, stars of the CBBC natural history TV series, One Zoo Three. We'll be hearing about their favourite animals, why we need zoos, and lots more!
For lots of FREE materials, songs, educational resources, and links, visit the Rockford's Rock Opera Hub here: linktr.ee/RockfordsRockOpera
About 'Lost on Infinity'
This unique kids' podcast features our award-winning story, 'Lost on Infinity', which is available as a children's audiobook on Apple Music, Spotify, and Amazon Music.
To find out more about us and our stories visit: www.RockfordsRockOpera.com
The Rockford's Rock Opera songs featured in this episode are:
1. All Died Out
2. A Dream too Far (The Song of the Great Auk)
To learn more about the true story of the Great Auk, read more about them, and our song: HERE.
You can hear full versions of all of our songs on Apple Music, Spotify, and on our website too.
If you've any questions about our story or any of the science and secrets we talk about, please email us at: [email protected] (if you’d like us to include your questions in an upcoming episode of the podcast then please do ask your parents to give their permission in the email).
Thanks for listening!