Nov 04 2024 53 mins 1
Show Notes:
In this episode, Erick Rheam interviews Kayla Logue, an expert communicator, entrepreneur, and author.
In the episode Kayla unpacks your rock bottom moment when she realized she needed to walk away from her marriage that wasn’t working and from a life that she never intended.
She decided to reset her life and started the process of healing and rediscovering herself and her new path in life through the power of journaling.
Kayla walks us through what happened when she walked away from a failing relationship, how she felt, how she worked through it and what life is like for her on the other side.
Kayla Logue
Kayla Logue, is an acclaimed Author, Personal Development Expert, and Motivational Speaker.
She is the Founder of Move Into Words, a non-profit advocating for mental and physical health through journaling.
Kayla empowers individuals to define their own success, drawing from her diverse expertise in real estate, web design, and SEO strategy.
Her inspiring book, Always Squeezing Lemons, guides readers through personal and professional growth.
Resources Mentioned
- Subscribe to the podcast
- Rise Above Chaos book
- Work with Erick
- Kayla’s website -
Action Step
- Start the habit of journaling