Jul 15 2024 27 mins
In this episode, Meg shares an update on her intense pumping journey as an exclusive pumper for her twin babies. She emphasizes the raw reality of exclusive pumping and the challenges she has faced over the last six months. Meg discusses the physical and mental toll of exclusive pumping, including nipple pain, clogged ducts, and the constant need to pump. She also highlights the importance of having a support system and strong mental health when undertaking exclusive pumping. Despite the difficulties, Meg expresses her gratitude for being able to provide breast milk for her babies and the sense of accomplishment it brings.
Exclusive pumping is an incredibly challenging journey that can take a toll on both physical and mental health.
Having a support system and strong mental health are crucial for navigating the difficulties of exclusive pumping.
It is important to prioritize self-care and find ways to optimize pumping time, such as using wearable pumps.
While exclusive pumping can be tough, it is a valuable and rewarding experience that allows moms to provide breast milk for their babies.
It is okay to consider quitting exclusive pumping if it becomes too overwhelming, and formula feeding is a valid and healthy option for babies.
→Get the breast massager I use here: https://amzn.to/4cQL28c
→Get the Willow Go here: https://shareasale.com/r.cfm?b=1372735&u=4257798&m=89326&urllink=&afftrack=
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