Feb 12 2024 28 mins
In this solo episode, Meg shares her postpartum journey and the challenges she has faced in the first six weeks after giving birth to twins. She discusses the importance of preparation for parenthood and the realization that no amount of preparation can fully prepare you for the reality of caring for newborns.
Meg opens up about her struggles with breastfeeding and the decision to exclusively pump. She also talks about the physical recovery process without holding back: get ready for some TMI sharing!
Emotionally, Meg shares the ups and downs of postpartum, the overwhelming feelings, and the need for self-care. She discusses the juggling act of parenting and sleep, as well as the mixed feelings and identity shift that comes with becoming a parent. Meg also touches on the support she has received and the importance of reaching out to others for help. She concludes by expressing gratitude for her healing and the flexibility she has in her work.
→Meg’s Twin Birth Story Episode (Apple Podcasts): https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/meg-and-mike-do-marriage/id1705552952?i=1000641795014
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/2OcjcxNBR2GnhLQqtJc0ao?si=IirpoqzGSUeAHrdCAsQKMg
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