Feb 20 2025 10 mins 6
Get our free ’How to get fluent in Spanish fast’ guide: https://www.notesinspanish.com/op/fluent/
Today we head to Chinchón, 40km from Madrid, to share one of the biggest secrets to faster Spanish fluency, and eat in the Café de la Ibería.
Listen to our Spanish-learning podcasts here: https://www.notesinspanish.com/spanish-audio/
Get fluent faster with the courses in our store: https://www.notesinspanish.com/store-home/
Get our "Spanish Fluency Secrets" video workshop: https://www.notesinspanish.com/sp/spanish-fluency-secrets/
Vocab from today’s video:
Estamos en Chinchón y aquí se está fenomenal - We are in Chinchón and it’s fantastic here
Es inigualable - It’s unbeatable
Cómo llegar antes a la fluidez - How to get fluent faster
El disfrute - Enjoyment
Disfrutar con lo que hagas - Enjoy what you are doing
A veces nos machacamos - Sometimes we make ourselves suffer
Darse una pausa y encontrar algo que disfrutes - Have a break and find something you enjoy
Lo coges con ganas - You do it with joy
Para aprender bien tienes que disfrutar de lo que estás haciendo - To learn properly, you have to enjoy what you’re doing
Vamos a abrir el apetito - We’re going to work up an appetite
El Café de la Iberia (where we ate lunch)
Un clásico de toda la vida - A real classic that’s been around forever
Cordero - Lamb
Menestra de verduras - Vegetables cooked in the pan
Huevos fritos con morcilla y chorizo - Fried eggs with black pudding and chorizo
No he podido evitarlo - I couldn’t help it
Bacalao a la Riojana - Cod Rioja-style (pan-fried with vegetables and red peppers)
Remember to get our free ’How to get fluent in Spanish fast’ guide: https://www.notesinspanish.com/op/fluent/
¡Gracias a todos!
Today we head to Chinchón, 40km from Madrid, to share one of the biggest secrets to faster Spanish fluency, and eat in the Café de la Ibería.
Listen to our Spanish-learning podcasts here: https://www.notesinspanish.com/spanish-audio/
Get fluent faster with the courses in our store: https://www.notesinspanish.com/store-home/
Get our "Spanish Fluency Secrets" video workshop: https://www.notesinspanish.com/sp/spanish-fluency-secrets/
Vocab from today’s video:
Estamos en Chinchón y aquí se está fenomenal - We are in Chinchón and it’s fantastic here
Es inigualable - It’s unbeatable
Cómo llegar antes a la fluidez - How to get fluent faster
El disfrute - Enjoyment
Disfrutar con lo que hagas - Enjoy what you are doing
A veces nos machacamos - Sometimes we make ourselves suffer
Darse una pausa y encontrar algo que disfrutes - Have a break and find something you enjoy
Lo coges con ganas - You do it with joy
Para aprender bien tienes que disfrutar de lo que estás haciendo - To learn properly, you have to enjoy what you’re doing
Vamos a abrir el apetito - We’re going to work up an appetite
El Café de la Iberia (where we ate lunch)
Un clásico de toda la vida - A real classic that’s been around forever
Cordero - Lamb
Menestra de verduras - Vegetables cooked in the pan
Huevos fritos con morcilla y chorizo - Fried eggs with black pudding and chorizo
No he podido evitarlo - I couldn’t help it
Bacalao a la Riojana - Cod Rioja-style (pan-fried with vegetables and red peppers)
Remember to get our free ’How to get fluent in Spanish fast’ guide: https://www.notesinspanish.com/op/fluent/
¡Gracias a todos!