Welcome to Media Club Plus: a podcast about diving into the media that interests us and the stories that excite us.
The King is already gone, but there's a castle full of ants desperate to find and protect him. Gon and Killua have a brief encounter with Netero and Zeno on their way to find Pitou. Killua especially is having some sort of crisis (crises?). Zeno almost has words of warning for the boys, but instead says "hey man don't look at me you figure it out". Meanwhile, Ikalgo immediately raises everyone's suspicion and Knuckle has to tap in for a thoroughly beaten Shoot. Oh yeah and there's a new entry in the "most paranoid guy" category: Welfin. He sees Bloster hear Ikalgo call Leol "Hagya" and has a sincerely impressive meltdown.
This week we cover episodes 113-115, titled An x Indebted x Insect, Divide x And x Conquer, and Duty x And x Question. Next episode we'll be covering episodes 116-118, titled Revenge x and x Recovery, Insult x And x Payback, and A x False x Rage.
Featuring Keith Carberry (@KeithJCarberry, @KeithJCarberry), Jack de Quidt (@jdq) Sylvi Bullet (@SYLVIBULLET), and Andrew Lee Swan (@swandre3000)
Produced by Keith Carberry
Music by Jack de Quidt (available at notquitereal.bandcamp.com)
Cover Art by by Annie Johnston-Glick (@dancynrew) anniejg.com
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