Sep 30 2024 5 mins 1
On "A Brush With Death: 5 Minutes On...," we spend 5 minutes providing listeners with quick insights into various funeral trends, products, events, organizations, and goings-on.
In this episode, host, Gabe Schauf, talks with Welton Hong, founder of Ring Ring Marketing, about what the future of the profession looks like in terms of overall call volume, and what funeral homes can do to prepare.
Welton is a leading expert in helping funeral homes convert leads from online directly to the phone line. He’s the author of the book Making Your Phone Ring with Internet Marketing for Funeral Homes and a regular contributor to NFDA’s The Director magazine and several other publications.
Welton has a graduate degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Colorado at Boulder. Prior to starting Ring Ring Marketing, he was a senior technologist at R&D facilities for Intel, Sun Microsystems, and Oracle. He regularly speaks at conferences and other events for people in the death care industry.
Click here to learn more about Ring Ring Marketing.