About Blaine Daiglw
Having lived his entire life deep in the gut of Louisiana, Blaine Daigle grew up surrounded by ghost stories of haunted plantations and cursed woodlands. He still lives in Louisiana with his wife and two children and can't wait to pass on the nightmares to his kids..when they are old enough. During the day he teaches high school English. At night, he enjoys diving deep into the fears that shape and mold the world around him.
Website: https://www.blainedaigle.com/
For more information about Books & Brews, check out the event on Facebook right here
_____________________________________________________________________Our theme song is by Benny and the No Goods. Check out their awesome music right HERE Bennyandthenogoods.bandcamp.com
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Alley Chats is produced and edited by Rob Southgate for Southgate Media Group.
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