Jan 13 2025 9 mins
Figuring out the ideal number of naps per day for a 4 month old can often be challenging for parents. In fact, the entire 4 to 5 month window is a particularly unique period of time when it comes to naps schedules. Prior to 4 months, babies don’t have a mature circadian rhythm, which means they aren’t generally ready for a set nap schedule. Add in the sleep interruptions that the four month sleep regression often brings, and parents can really be at a loss for how to structure their baby’s naps at this age.
In this episode, Allison will help you figure out exactly how many naps per day your four month old should be taking. And she’ll discuss whether you should be using wake windows or a set schedule to organize the naps.
Allison mentions Episode 23. Good News About The 4 Month Sleep Regression
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