Jan 20 2025 54 mins
In this week’s episode I sat down with Julia Métraux. Julia is Mother Jones' disability reporter, where she covers disability, chronic illness and mental health as it relates to politics. Her experience is influenced by her lived experience with vasculitis, a TBI, ME/CFS and hearing loss. We discuss what it means to be a disability reporter, how reporting on disability has evolved over time, issues and stories she is looking out for in the upcoming administration and much, much more.
Follow Julia: Instagram: @julia.metraux BlueSky: @metrauxjulia Newsletter: Julia Métraux Website: https://juliasmetraux.journoportfolio.com
Mother Jones: Julia Métraux
Mentioned Articles:
Relief For Disabled People Impacted By The Los Angeles Fires:
Richard Devylder Disaster Relief Fund: https://disabilitydisasteraccess.org/rd-relief-fund/
United Spinal Disaster Relief Grant: https://unitedspinal.org/disaster-relief-grant/
Inevitable Foundation Emergency Relief Fund: https://www.inevitable.foundation/erf
Follow Me: Instagram: @jill_ilana , @alwayslookingup.podcast TikTok: @jillian_ilana Website: https://www.jillianilana.com Email: [email protected]
Read With Me:
This episode was edited and produced by Ben Curwin