Dec 28 2024 106 mins 15
On this episode of the American Warrior Show we speak to Joel Jamieson, one of the worlds foremost experts on conditioning. He is also the author of the incredible book, Ultimate MMA Conditioning and developer of the Morpheus training app/device.
Who is Joel Jamieson?
Ultimate MMA Conditioning
Learn how to get in shape faster than ever before with methods used by more than 30 top MMA pros
- Learn step-by-step how do design your own conditioning program
- Discover how to accurately test and assess your body’s energy systems
- Connect the dots of each energy system and how to train them together
Get the book: Ultimate MMA Conditioning
The World's First Digital Recovery Coach. Get in your recovery zone and get better results than ever.
- Get your recovery score in less than 3 minutes a day
- Helps shift your body into the recovery zone, where the magic of fitness happens.
- Personalized heart rate training. Unlock your recovery and your conditioning