Jul 17 2021 118 mins 25
We’re back with a supercast on the unmissable classic shoujo masterpiece Dear Brother (Oniisama e)! Joined by our friends Dawn (of the Anime Nostalgia podcast) and Diana, we talk about the show’s rich history, its multi-genre nature, and what makes it such a master work—both within anime as a medium and in our own hearts.
This episode is part 1 of 2, an entirely spoiler-free discussion of the history and creators of Dear Brother, as well as the stories, themes, and dramatic techniques the anime uses. Each one of us deeply loves this series and we hope to convince you to watch it before listening to part 2 (next episode in our feed), where there will be spoilers.
**The anime of Dear Brother includes several heavy and sensitive topics, so before watching please note the following content warnings: Suicide and extensive suicidal ideation, drug addiction, abuse, bullying, disease, and romantic love between siblings.
We discuss these warnings within the episode, but our discussion in Part 1 does not dwell on any of these topics.
Links to information referenced in this episode:
Watch Dear Brother streaming for free on RetroCrush (as of July 2021)
Dear Brother on Blu-Ray from Rightstuf Anime
Anime Nostalgia episode on Legend of the Galactic Heroes with Dawn & Diana
Erica Friedman’s blog posts about Dear Brother on Okazu
Post 1, Post 2
Anime News Network article from 1998 referencing Technogirls fansubbers finding employment
Where to find us:
Dawn’s podcast Anime Nostalgia
Dawn’s Twitter
Diana’s Twitter
Follow us on Twitter: @animeislitpod
Email: [email protected]
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