Nov 24 2024 40 mins 3
We’ve heard lots about anxiety; both from those who experience it, and those who help treat it. We’ve talked to doctors and pastors and counsellors and sufferers and everyone in between to find out how they experience anxiety, and what we can do about it.
But what about exploring the very concept of anxiety, as a whole, in light of God’s Word? How should Christians deal with anxiety? And why is it such a struggle for so many of us?
Who better to ask these questions of than the guy who wrote the book on it? We’re joined this episode by Paul Grimmond, the Dean of Students at Moore Theological College and author of the book ‘When the Noise Won’t Stop: A Christian Guide to Dealing With Anxiety’.
With Paul we’ll explore the biblical perspective of anxiety, including what it is and whether we’re meant to feel anxious for certain things. We’ll also take a deep dive into some of those well known “anxiety verses” such as Philippians 4:6, and unpack the context behind them and what they’re really saying to us.
You can find Paul’s book, ‘When the Noise Won’t Stop’, at Koorong, Matthias Media or on Amazon. To find out more about Paul’s role as Dean at Moore Theological College, click here.
Through this podcast and our other resources, our heart here at Anxious Faith is to spark conversation and tackle the taboos around mental health in our churches and faith communities. Will you help us do that?
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