Until next year, Esteemed Colleagues! xo Jess
Top three episodes of 2024:
AAA 26 | 1:1 Frequency and Format: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/aaa-26-1-1-frequency-and-format/id1476184074?i=1000663070529
AAA 39 | Task Management Systems: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/aaa-39-task-management-systems/id1476184074?i=1000673975366
AAA 42 | Weird Requests: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/aaa-42-weird-requests/id1476184074?i=1000676624618
I always love to hear from you: askanassistant.com
Book a 1:1 with me: jesslindgren.com/coaching
Lay your comments, questions, thoughts, and concerns on me. Have an awesome week! xo Jess
Want a note from me and my IBM Selectric II typewriter? Write to me here and I'll type back soon:
Jess Lindgren
4465 E Genesee Street STE 114
Syracuse, NY 13214