In this episode host Christine Pensa explores how we can move through the polarity of solution and problem with more ease and grace. It’s been a trope that we don’t truly change until a problem, a dis-comfort or a dis-ease comes up in our lives. Then we set out to “solve” it. That’s not necessarily where we get tripped up, but we often use the energy of “trying” or “solving” something, which puts us on the same frequency (and in direct polarity) with what we originally perceived as a difficulty in our lives.
If we continue to loop with a “problem” in polarity, then we get trapped on a disempowering frequency, where the solution we crave continues to evade us.
Rather than walking a never-ending loop, we are called to sit in the stillness of ourselves to find the clarity that our own source medicine holds. “Let the waters settle beloved, for it is then you will find the clarity you crave.” In that space we begin to recognize the limitations we have taken on as though it is our own story and even believe it is written in stone. It is time to free ourselves from thought forms we perceived as solid and release them from our beautiful bodies by embodying the medicine we are here to be. Igniting our superpower of choosing to take whatever action is needed in a more efficient and streamlined way.
When we align with that sweet spot within and let the waters settle, when we allow our own source medicine, we invite ourselves to become something organic, new, and at the same time, infinitely more of who we have always been.
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