Feb 16 2025 15 mins
As we continue to explore how to embody who and what we truly are, this episode is all about real beauty as a reflection of who we truly are.
The word beauty is often misunderstood. “Beauty” is even more important in times of challenge, change, and chaos. We are being asked to use the brightness of ourselves to put our attention on what “beauty” we want to see in this world, what beauty we want to bring forward. It is important and powerful for these times, and yet it does not have to be a grand gesture.
Small gestures, moments of wonder and gratitude are just as important as large ones. Not every pebble thrown into a pond will make it to the edges - but it’s movement will likely lift one tiny being as it spirals outward. Every time we choose to throw that pebble into the pond, we impact this world. Each of us has something beautiful to contribute to this world.
Beauty is choosing, beauty is change, beauty is evolution — and perhaps, just perhaps, that evolution brings us into something even more beautiful than before. We become the regenerative architects of this world. Isn’t that what we truly know we are here for.
Yes, beloved because that is who you are a living, breathing pure love wonder following your source of pure love.
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