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Jun 17 2024 56 mins  
SHIFTING THE PARADIGM FROM LOOKING EXTERNALLY FOR ANSWERS Historically we have looked externally to others to teach, preach, heal, and inform us! Now that we are expanding our consciousness beyond the limits of our 3D reality how do we shift beyond these old paradigms? How can we begin to not only look internally to infinite Source within for our answers but also facilitate and empower others to find their own answers within? How can we encourage others to find their unique gifts and talents and express them as part of their soul mission? How do we co-create healing communities grounded in our Mother Earth that are conducive to expressing an individual’s uniqueness and creativity? How do we shift the paradigms away from a central all-knowing figure towards a co-creative multidimensional tapestry of common experiences? Join Elizabeth Monroy, Amma Sol and David Emery as they discuss how they are shifting paradigms in their lives now!