Jan 03 2024 54 mins
In This Episode, Dave sits down with Nick Allard to discuss what is really going on with the war between Ukraine and Russia. Having spent the last year and a half in Ukraine, Nick has an “on the ground” experience that differs greatly from what western media portrays through its mainstream news channels. As portrayed in this short film Bringing Light: Why I went to Ukraine, the conflict is complex and deeply rooted in the history of both nations involved. According to Nick, there is no real victory in sight without serious compromises happening on both sides, and it’s not easy to define what actual victory would look like in any case. With Russian interests stemming from emotional and potential religious ties, and the United States involvement from an investment perspective, things have quickly grown beyond the interests of the people, and the war has taken on a mind and meaning of its own. Dave asks great questions and leads Nick through a captivating and intriguing recount of his experiences in Ukraine, and what it means for the rest of us. Tune in to what could be the most compelling interview of the Unbreakable Man Podcast to date.
In This Episode
[0:07] The ongoing war in Ukraine with a focus on casualties and Western aid.
[4:30] Ukraine-Russia conflict and its implications.
[9:23] The emotional aspects of the conflict between the two nations.
[13:33] How the media portrayal in the west differs from the experience on the ground in Ukraine.
[24:28] What does US involvement bring to the Ukraine-Russia conflict?
[29:46] Corruption and freedom of speech in the US and Ukraine.
[38:42] Using compassion to end conflicts.
[44:34] Personal growth and responsibility in addressing global conflicts.
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