May 21 2024 55 mins
In this episode of the Baby Pro podcast, Kate Drake, a marketing executive and mother of twins, shares her experiences with breastfeeding while maintaining a full-time job and traveling for work. She discusses the challenges she faced, such as finding pumping facilities abroad and dealing with customs destroying her breast milk shipment. Kate offers practical tips for breastfeeding mothers traveling through airports, including researching lactation pod locations, using a travel pump bag with a cooler, and understanding TSA guidelines. She also advocates for better corporate support for working mothers who breastfeed and pump.
In this episode, you will learn the following:
The unique challenges that lactating mothers face when traveling, and the practicalities of pumping breast milk on the go.
Insufficient support structures for breastfeeding mothers within the corporate environment.
Planning and organizational skills required to manage the storage and transportation of breast milk.
Challenges of finding private and hygienic spaces to pump in transit.
Creating a supportive network and infrastructure for working mothers.
Connect with Shelly:
Website: Massachusetts IBCLC | Lactation Consultant - Shelly Taft
Insta: Instagram (@shellytaftibclc)
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