Jun 04 2024 17 mins
In this episode of the Baby Pro Podcast, Shelly and Maria delve into the topic of nipple shields, providing a balanced view on this breastfeeding tool. They explore the history of nipple shields, tracing their evolution from early versions made of materials like nutmeg and silver to the modern, thin silicone designs used today. Whether you're a new parent struggling with breastfeeding, a healthcare professional, or simply interested in the topic, this episode provides valuable information, research findings, and personal experiences that highlight the effectiveness and proper use of nipple shields.
In this episode, you will learn the following:
Pros and cons of using nipple shields in breastfeeding.
The role of lactation consultants about the proper use of nipple shields.
A study on AI's potential role in detecting childbirth-related PTSD
Nipple shields as a temporary solution and should be used under an IBCLC's guidance to address underlying issues.
The evolution of nipple shield materials from nutmegs and silver to modern silicone.
Personal experiences and case studies illustrating the nuanced application of nipple shields in breastfeeding.
Connect with Shelly:
Website: Massachusetts IBCLC | Lactation Consultant - Shelly Taft
Insta: Instagram (@shellytaftibclc)
Article mentioned: Mass General Study Evaluates AI Narrative to Detect Childbirth-Related PTSD