Ben Racke, CSCS - Ben Racke Fitness

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Nov 27 2023 84 mins  

In this episode of BachTalk we delve into Ben Racke's inspiring fitness journey and the growth of his successful strength and conditioning business in NKY. We explore his early life, upbringing, and the pivotal moments that ignited his passion for fitness. Ben shares insights into his current S&C programs at Ryle and Be Strong, along with recent program implementations and the state of fitness in NKY. He discusses how he leverages social media to motivate and connect with others, offering valuable tips on building and retaining a client base. Ben also touches on emerging fitness trends and structures he plans to incorporate into his programs. We summarize key takeaways and invite listeners to follow Ben Racke on social media for ongoing fitness inspiration. Don't forget to subscribe, rate, and review the podcast for more engaging content.

Time Stamps:

Introduction of Guest (00:01:22) Introducing Ben Racke, owner of Ben Racke Fitness, and highlighting his background and experiences in strength and conditioning.

Starting a Job at Anytime Fitness (00:11:37) The speaker talks about getting a job at Anytime Fitness and coaching group training sessions.

Starting Own Business and Financial Struggles (00:13:53)

Renting Space at Dixie Fitness and Pro Force (00:17:35) The speaker discusses renting space at Dixie Fitness and later at Pro Force, gaining experience and observing different training approaches.

Ben discusses the decision to move to Florida for a coaching job and the challenges they faced with the move (00:23:03) Moving to Florida for a coaching job, Ben discusses the decision to move to Florida for a coaching job and the challenges they faced with the move.

Working in Florida and experiences (00:24:09) Working in Florida and experiences with a narcissistic boss Speaker 3 talks about their experiences working in Florida, including dealing with a narcissistic boss and the impact it had on clients and gym members.

Experiences working with pro athletes in Florida and the decision to move back to northern Kentucky (00:25:13) Insights into working with pro athletes and deciding to move back. Ben shares their experiences working with pro athletes in Florida and the decision to move back to northern Kentucky.

The process of training and conditioning in high school (00:34:31) Discussion on the training and conditioning process in high school, including the focus on football workouts and the need for a shift in perspective.

Issues with current training approaches (00:35:28) Critique of common training practices, such as lack of attention to movement quality and detail, reliance on generic exercises, and lack of understanding of principles.

Importance of consistent stimulus and general strength training (00:40:36) Emphasis on the need for consistent stimulus, sprinting, changing direction fast, and improving general strength for overall athletic development and injury prevention.

Strength training for kids (00:46:02) Importance of consistent strength training for young athletes and the misconception of needing specialized training.

Building a strong foundation (00:47:11) The significance of developing a solid base of strength and how it translates to improved athletic performance.

Quality coaching for high school athletes (00:50:56) The importance of individualized coaching and communication with high school athletes to achieve optimal results.

Understanding Exercise Science and Practical Application Discussion (00:57:00) Understanding Exercise Science and Practical Application Discussion on the value of exercise science knowledge and practical application in strength and conditioning coaching.

Challenges in Implementing Effective Training Methods (00:58:31) Challenges in Implementing Effective Training Methods. The frustration and difficulty in finding the right balance between traditional training methods and new approaches.

Parents' Misconceptions about Training Exploring (01:03:43) Parents' Misconceptions about Training Exploring parents' misconceptions about what constitutes good training and the importance of tracking tangible data for progress.

The Importance of Full Body Stimulus (01:08:15) - Discusses the significance of incorporating a bigger stimulus than just bandage exercises for overall physical output in sports.

Exercise Selection and Stimulus for Baseball Players (01:09:15) Explains the rationale behind choosing exercises like front squats and trap bar deadlifts for baseball players to achieve the desired global stimulus.

Addressing Parents' Misconceptions (01:13:19) - Ben talks about the common misconceptions parents have regarding their children's training goals, such as the need to lose body fat or become more jacked, and emphasizes the importance of strength training and consistent training for athletic development.

The importance of positive training experiences (01:19:25) The guest discusses the significance of creating a positive training experience for athletes, emphasizing the long-term impact it can have on their motivation and commitment to fitness.

Negative experiences in college weight rooms (01:21:34) The guest shares stories of college athletes who had negative experiences in the weight room, leading them to avoid working out for years after their sports career ended.

Appreciation for the guest's insights (01:22:45) The host expresses gratitude for the guest's time and appreciates his realistic and helpful approach to training high school athletes.