Lessons Learned this Summer | Ep #13

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Sep 09 2022 28 mins  

This summer wasn't the restful break I thought it would be, but I learned many valuable lessons that I'd like to share. These are lessons that will help you with parenting and mom burnout.

I sent my kids away this summer and was looking forward to some quality time-off from "momming." What I experienced was a shift from in-person to long-distance momming, as I dealt with two of my kids struggling while away from home.

Coincidentally, I was reading a book called The Coddling of the American Mind: How Good Intentions and Bad Ideas Are Setting Up a Generation for Failure by Jonathan Haidt & Greg Lukianoff.

This book addresses many topics parents need to know about the kids of "Gen Z/I-Gen." I only scratch the surface of the information in the book in this episode; there is so much more. I recommend you read the book yourself, it's well worth the time.

One concept that I found relevant to my summer experience was new to me: "Safetyism." The authors of the book define safetyism as a culture or belief system in which safety (which includes "emotional safety") has become a sacred value, which means that people become unwilling to make trade-offs demanded by other practical and moral concerns.

It is through Safetyism that modern parents are perpetuating fragility in our kids and, ironically, making our kids less safe. In my opinion, the helicopter parenting, overparenting, etc. that goes hand in hand with Safetyism is doing something else: it's exhausting us and burning us out.

In this episode I go over how I personally applied concepts from the book The Coddling of the American Mind to my kids over the summer.

John Robert's Commencement speech "We wish you bad luck" https://youtu.be/pqzbEGA3x2I

Note: next episode I will be discussing Patriarchy Stress Disorder as written about in the book by Valerie Rein.

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