Oct 07 2022 47 mins
Kelly Hollingsworth is a brilliant and masterful coach for coaches.
She has opened my eyes to so many things including internalized patriarchy, the need for equality in the home and how to engage powerfully with others. I have Kelly's guidance to thank for creating this podcast!
In this episode Kelly and I talk about how she is teaching mostly women how to engage powerfully with others and how this helps women make money.
We talk about Type 1 vs Type 2 patriarchy.
We discuss how the way Motherhood is being handled right now is a giant barrier to women earning money.
I am so proud and so honored to be one of Kelly’s coaches and I could not be more excited to share this conversation with you.
To listen to Kelly's How to Make More Money podcast click here (I especially recommend episode 21).
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© 2022 Sabra Staudenmaier