Nov 04 2022 27 mins
Money is power and until women have equal control and awareness of their money, they are forfeiting power. In this episode, I shine a light on what I have experienced and what I'm seeing regarding women being disengaged with their money and the reasons why.
My husband was in charge of all of the "money stuff," it was his "department."
I was like an ostrich with my head in the sand when it came to our money matters. And I knew it. I just didn’t have the time, energy or immediate reason to do anything about it.
Happily (refer to episode 4) I straightened this out. How? I got up to speed on my money AND I even hired my own financial advisor who helps me separately from my husband to make sure that I’m always in the loop with my money. But I continue to see this same lack of relationship with money with other women – my clients, my friends, I see it everywhere and I want to shine a light on it.
In truth, this is something that’s been bothering me for a VERY long time. It has to do with an underdiscussed (in my opinion) issue with women and money. Here’s my observation…
Despite how much money a woman has, if she’s not involved in her money, she’s disempowered. And many women are not involved, or at least not involved enough. This leaves them wide open to the risk of not being able to thrive and even survive down the road of their lives.
This is also a big contributor to burnout.
Coaching Referral Mentioned:
Stacey Mendelson - Divorce Coach
Articles Mentioned:
Women, Money and Power: The Next Generation
(Correction - this article was written in 2017 not 2016 as mentioned in the episode)
The Allianz Women, Money, and Power Study: Empowered and Underserved
Women, Wealth, and Investing - A Story of Evolution
Book & Podcast Recommendations:
Rewire for Wealth: Three Steps Any Woman Can Take to Program Her Brain for Financial Success
Challenge Questions -
- Make sure you are aware of all of your accounts, amounts, logins and passwords.
- Make a list of all of your assets and liabilities.
- Make a list of the insurances you have and the ones you might be missing.
Please Note: He/She Man/Woman Husband/Wife/Partner are used in this podcast for simplicity, but I welcome and support all gender preferences.
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© 2022 Sabra Staudenmaier