Mar 12 2024 8 mins 1
Today, we are going to unpack five retirement planning myths. Let's dive in!
Myth #1: Your cost of living will go down.
Myth #2: An RSP is a complete retirement plan.
Myth #3: You need 1 million dollars to retire.
Myth #4: You need to be conservative with my portfolio.
Myth #5: You can't have debt in retirement.
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Regan Schiller holds his Certified Financial Planner, Registered Retirement Consultant and Certified Life Underwriter designations. He is an Executive Financial Consultant licensed under Investors Group Securities Inc.
Mutual funds and investment products and services are offered through Investors Group Financial Services Inc. (in Québec, a Financial Services firm). Additional investment products and brokerage services are offered through Investors Group Securities Inc. (in Québec, a firm in Financial Planning). Investors Group Securities Inc. is a member of the Canadian Investor Protection Fund. Commissions, fees and expenses may be associated with mutual fund investments. Read the prospectus before investing. Mutual funds are not guaranteed, values change frequently, and past performance may not be repeated.
LIRA regulations vary provincially. For more information on LIRA in your area, please refer to your provincial government’s website. Additional information on the Canada Pension Plan and Old Age Security can be found at: