Mar 05 2024 46 mins
Dr. Rachael Elizabeth Miller loves helping mamas discover that the process of becoming and being a mother doesn't have to be scary. Instead, pregnancy, giving birth and postpartum life can be customized to align with what they envision all stages of motherhood to be like. For nearly 2 decades Dr. Rachael has become a mom to 5 kids via multiple birth methods and settings, and also built a thriving women's health physical therapy and coaching practice. In that process she has learned first hand that each mom's journey from pregnancy to recovery is unique and can be full of joy and excitement, rather than fear.
In This Episode:
- How Rachael supports women through her practice to navigate pregnancy and childbirth with confidence and joy
- How to prepare your body and pelvic floor for pregnancy & childbirth
- Pelvic floor health: when to see & the benefits of working with a Physical Therapist postpartum
- PT for c-section recovery, signs you have diastasis recti, tips to correct postpartum leakage and bladder issues and is it ever to late to work with a PT postpartum?
- Finding your web of support
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