Aug 01 2024 56 mins 1
After 20 years in practice, Dr. Jonice Webb noticed the painful struggle of people who grew up in homes where they were emotionally neglected. She identified this neglect as an "invisible factor" that continued to affect adults often leaving them feeling depleted and dissatisfied or what she described as “Running on Empty”.
In Dr. Webb’s books “Running on Empty: Overcome Your Childhood Emotional Neglect” and “Running On Empty No More: Transform Your Relationships” she shines a light on this invisible force of CEN. She discusses how to bring new tools, strategies and self-awareness to grow beyond this limiting life experience and encourages you to grow beyond CEN.
Listen to our conversation with psychologist & author Dr. Jonice Webb as we learn about the concept of Emotional Neglect and her tools for helping fix it.
Dr. Jonice Webb, Ph.D., is a clinical psychologist, bestselling author, and “psychologist expert” according to the Chicago Tribune and CNBC. Dr. Webb has over two decades of experience in the field of psychology with a particular interest in how childhood factors influence us as adults and the effect of Childhood Emotional Neglect (CEN).™ Dr. Webb currently has a private psychotherapy practice where she focuses on the treatment of families and couples.
Dr. Webb’s books educate readers about the twelve types of parents who inadvertently emotionally neglect their children; ten issues that emotionally neglected children often struggle with as adults; six strategies for overcoming Emotional Neglect, and how to apply all these tools to different types of relationships including marriages, relationships with emotionally neglectful parents, and their even own children.
If you are interested in Dr. Webb’s insights on recognizing Emotional Neglect and beginning the journey in overcoming the impact of CEN, this podcast is for you.
Links & Resources:
- For more information about Dr. Webb’s books visit:
- To purchase the books visit:
- For more about Dr. Jonice Webb:
- Webb’s CEN Training Programs:
- Therapist Resources for CEN:
Materials to Reference:
- Take the Childhood Emotional Neglect Questionnaire:
- 5 Roadblocks to Dating Caused By Childhood Emotional Neglect:
- How Old Feelings From Your Childhood Could Be Controlling You Now:
- 4 Ways You May Be Keeping Yourself Running On Empty: