Episode 107 - Religion and the Right: Helen Paynter on the Bible and fighting fascism

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Nov 19 2024 58 mins   3

The Far Right is on the rise. And, increasingly, fascists and proto-fascists are using Christian language and imagery to justify their position.

Helen Paynter - far right and religion - on Beer Christianity

What should a Christian response be? Can we really say that our faith is being 'hijacked' by racists and bigots, or is there deeper acknowledgement and repentance to be done in the service of justice? And if fascists are the enemy, what do wee do with the command to love them?

The brilliant Revd Dr Helen Paynter, theologian, Executive Director of the Centre for the Study of Bible and Violence, and Beer Christianity's most regular guest, talks to Jonty and Laura about all this and more.

It's a good one!

Helpful links from the episode

Visit the page for The Church and the far-right claim to Christianity page for a list of events coming up. Specific events on the horizon (at time of publishing) include an event in Birmingham on Englishness and race, a London event on youth radicalisation and a YouTube-based event on the subject with the good people at Modern Church.

You can and should get hold of Helen's books we mentioned (edited and written) at these links:

The Church, the Far Right, and the Claim to Christianity

Blessed are the Peacemakers: A biblical theology of human violence

And you can also check out a discussion of the dissenting traditions here.

ALSO. We are launching a magazine. You're going to love it. It's called S(h)ibboleth, and you can read all about the new left-leaning Christian magazine here.

Shibboleth magazine

Find out more about Beer Christianity at beerchristianity.co.uk