Jan 03 2025 29 mins
This podcast is of a church sermon by Pastor Tommy entitled "Victorious Words for 2025." He touches on several points and uses various scriptures throughout the message.
- Victorious Words: Pastor Tommy emphasizes the power of words and encourages the congregation to speak victory into their lives for the new year [1, 2].
- Prophecy and Belief: John 14:29 states that even Jesus believed in prophecy. As believers, we should have open hearts for God to speak to us and encourage us [3].
- Household Salvation: Pastor Tommy declares household salvations over the congregation, drawing on Acts 16:31. He encourages the congregation to believe for the salvation of their loved ones [3, 4].
- Need-Minded Believers: Pastor Tommy teaches on Matthew 7:7-8, reminding the congregation that everyone who asks, receives [5]. While the prayer of agreement is important, individuals can and should pray for themselves and believe for their own answers. Pastor Tommy cautions against becoming a need-minded believer or church, always relying on others to pray for their needs [5, 6].
- Victorious Minded: Pastor Tommy contrasts need-minded believers with victorious-minded believers, encouraging the congregation to be strong in their faith and able to help others [6].
- Believing Prayer: Pastor Tommy emphasizes the importance of believing prayer and praying in faith. He reminds the congregation that whatsoever things they desire when they pray, they should believe they receive them when they pray [7].
- Personal Witness: Pastor Tommy encourages the congregation to have a strong personal witness for Jesus, to be open about their faith, and to share the love of God with others [8].
- Increase: Reading from Psalms 115:14, Pastor Tommy prophesies a year of increase for the church and believers in 2025 [9, 10].
- God's Goodness: Pastor Tommy reminds the congregation that Lamentations 3:25 states that the Lord is good to those that wait on Him. He declares that believers will experience the goodness of the Lord Jesus in the coming year [11].
- A Shift in Israel: Pastor Tommy prophesies a significant shift coming to Israel in 2025, which will be good for everyone [12].
- Confronting Fears: Pastor Tommy challenges the congregation to confront their fears, including the fear of disease, death, and failure. He encourages them to give everything to Jesus at the cross [13-15].
- Spiritual Growth: Referencing Luke 18:8 ("When the Lord returns, will He find faith on the earth?"), Pastor Tommy emphasizes the importance of prioritizing spiritual growth through consistent Bible reading and a dedicated spiritual life [16, 17].
- Preaching the Gospel: Pastor Tommy emphasizes that the church's number one assignment is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to the whole world [18, 19]. He cautions against losing focus on this primary mission, even while engaging in other activities led by the Holy Spirit.
- Fellowship: Pastor Tommy connects Matthew 24, Luke 17, Luke 18, Luke 21, and John 14 with the last days, stating that they give a panoramic view of the times we are living in. He then shares the biblical definition of fellowship (koynonia), which involves encouraging others, sharing scripture, and praying for their needs [19, 20].
- Living in the Last Days: Pastor Tommy expresses concern that many people are unaware that we are living in the last days and are not prepared for the Lord’s return [20]. He encourages the congregation to be aware of the signs of the times and to live with a sense of urgency and expectancy.
- The Holy Spirit: Pastor Tommy teaches on Revelation 1:10, in which John said he was in the Spirit on the Lord's day [21]. Pastor Tommy encourages the congregation to be filled with and led by the Holy Spirit [21, 22].
He concludes the message by prophesying blessings and breakthroughs for the congregation in the new year, calling in financial miracles, healing, salvation for loved ones, family restoration, and the perfect job with the perfect schedule, enabling them to serve the Lord like never before [23].