Jul 01 2020 66 mins 2
For a refreshing change of pace, who's in the mood for a desert apocalypse? We crawl across the barren landscape of Ana Lily Amirpour's sophomore film, The Bad Batch, and perform our task once again: compare every movie to Speed. With Keanu Reeves as a charismatic cult leader nicknamed "The Dream," what could possibly go wrong?
Looking for Ana Lily Amirpour's debut vampire film, A Girl Walks Home Alone At Night? It's free on Kanopy with a local library card.
Join us next episode for Andy Warhol's favorite film, The Creation of the Humanoids. It's currently streaming for free on YouTube!
Shout out to Andrew Elmore for the great theme song. Feel better, pal! Shout out to Ryan for the ukulele tutelage.