Dec 04 2024 41 mins
We've added to our subscriber list over the past two years. That means there are some great episodes that some of you have missed. So to finish up 2024 on the Be Worth* Following podcast, we are doing a throwback episode from October 2022. That's when we got to visit with Tria Deibert.
As the Vice President of Culture at Hackensack Meridian Health, Tria says that her job sets her soul on fire, and that she’s using the position to help others find the same excitement. Tria never expected to end up in the culture field. Her background is in marketing, but a leader saw potential in her, and she decided to take a big, bold leap.
In this episode, Tria shares how her marketing experience enables her to use meaningful messaging to engage and inspire people in her organization. Listen in to learn more about how to elicit authentic buy-in and hear how that strengthens an organization from the inside out.
When people genuinely love their work, they are able to achieve more and help businesses grow. How do we know this? Just give Tria a listen.