Apr 29 2021 31 mins 48
This is a special series on the Body Kindness podcast with Dietitian Glenys Oyston. We want to talk about weight and diabetes because it’s a myth that dominates diabetes care… and there is so much to unpack.
We discuss…
- What is weight cycling and how is it harmful to mind/body health?
- Why do doctors stress weight loss for diabetes care and why don’t they ask for consent?
- The marketing flaws and treatment advice that encourage restriction and weight loss.
- HAES Health Sheets for Diabetes and other health concerns
- Self reflections to help you focus on your values to be kind and compassionate with weight neutral approaches to caring for yourself with diabetes.
- First take three big deep breaths and just let yourself settle…
- Then ask yourself “please allow me to approach this with a curious and open heart.”
- “How will life be better for me if I don’t emphasize losing weight as a goal for diabetes care?”
- “How could my life be more difficult if I choose to diet?”
- Body Kindness Episode 71: Athletes at Every Size and The Plight of the “Fit Fatty” with Ragen Chastain, Guinness World Record Holder, Speaker, and Fat Activist
- All episodes in this theme
Do you have a diabetes or a pre-diabetes diagnosis? Get clarity on what actually helps to manage blood sugars in a way that feels good, not punishing in our free download, 7 Surprising Myths About Diabetes and Weight: www.selfcare4diabetes.com/myths
Join me and Glenys in the Self Care for Diabetes group now! Our next live call is happening on May 13. You’ll also get access to 14 education modules, videos, audio, transcripts, resources, links and more. Visit www.selfcare4diabetes.com for more details and to sign up.