Mar 23 2024 49 mins
Steph read a book about women’s fitness this month which launched a lot of conversation about dancing, weight lifting, synchronizing with others.
Meanwhile Candice is hoping the world gets saved in the next Stephen King novel on her to-read list.
In Cold Blood by Truman Capote
60 Songs That Explain the ‘90s by Rob Harvilla
11/22/63 by Stephen King
Language of the Night by Ursula K Le Guin
Buffalo is the New Buffalo by Chelsea Vowel
Catchpenny by Charlie Huston,
Let’s Get Physical by Danielle Friedman
Be Useful by Arnold Schwarzenegger,
Check out the Bookshelf’s new website!
00:00 Intro and new website launch
06:40 Candice’s reading update
16:45 Steph’s vacation and reading update
34:00 Side bar about people moving or singing together (synchronicity)
38:28 Back to book talk about physical fitness
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