May 01 2024 28 mins
How to Get Started in the Garden Feat. Misilla + How to Engage Kids in Gardening
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In today's episode, we're talking about all things organic gardening, and how to grow your own food with Misilla of 'Learn to Grow.'
Whether you're starting your own garden or you haven't given it much thought, after this episode you'll be yearning to get your hands on some seeds. Misilla is the host of 'Learn to Grow,' a channel on YouTube with over 114,000 subscribers. She's a crafty mom of 4 living and working in the Pacific Northwest. Her videos and social posts consist of garden how-to's, growing hacks, healthy living ideas, science experiments, DIY projects, and gardening inspo. Misilla's family has been growing food and farming for generations. She's passionate about inspiring others to grow their own food, and she's passionate about getting kids involved in the garden.
Follow Misilla on Instagram @learntogrow