Aug 08 2023 38 mins
Grief and joy can and do co-exist. That's the powerful message that author Casey Mulligan Walsh shares in this episode. Her story, which includes being orphaned as a teenager and losing her son to a car accident, is heartbreaking and inspiring. Her essay, Still, about her son Eric's death, published in Split Lip Magazine, was nominated for Best of the Net.
Her work has appeared in The New York Times, HuffPost, Modern Loss and many others. Casey explores how grief morphs through time, which will be highlighted in the forthcoming Daring to Breathe.
Casey and her husband serve as advocates for The Family Heart Foundation, an organization dedicated to raising awareness around the genetic cardiovascular disorder that affects her family.
Casey's memoir, The Full Catastrophe, is forthcoming from Motina Books in early 2025. Find Casey at and on FB, IG, Twitter/X and LinkedIn.
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*Special thanks to Sean Kelly and the band The Samples for continued permission to use their song "Streets in the Rain." Follow them at